Contract Management
Digital Contract Management for reduced organisational risk.
DTS delivers contract creation and workflow applications that improve the operation of any business by connecting users with the correct information they need, when they need it.
Our customers can deploy automated contract creation and life-cycle management processes and centrally manage contracts to improve compliance, collaboration and access to information. Applications can be deployed locally or as a cloud-based service, and have been implemented by organisations of all sizes around the world.The easy-to-use DTS integration tools give you greater control over your contract creation and ongoing lifecycle processes. The strong integration capabilities make true end-to-end automation possible to maximise productivity by eliminating “data silos”.
Analytics tools provide meaningful, timely and actionable insights into all workflow processes to harness the full value of the data to make better business decisions.
Our workflow is compatible with a wide cross-section of software applications that are currently standard use within business today, so integration of existing software solutions, files and documents is easy. This centralised system is accessible by everyone involved in the contracting dependent on their role and permissions granted by the organisation.