
BYOD may be a headache for some, but not for DTS Workflow users.

Our responsive design technology lets employees use DTS document and workflow automation wherever they are, with their device of choice, without compromising usability. Whether using a smart phone, tablet or laptop, users have a seamless experience automatically optimised for the specific form factor.

Mobile access is included as a standard component of our system, so all Digital Transformation Solution customers have the freedom to work however they choose by accessing Workflow via a standard browser or by downloading a dedicated app. And, organisations don’t have to go through another procurement process to extend mobile access to their workforces.

Mobility is a key component in our commitment to revolutionising the way organisations plan, manage and execute work. Allowing users to effectively use enterprise software at their convenience can dramatically reduce delays and inefficiencies, accelerating the ROI of a Digital Transformation Solutions Workflow investment.


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