Records and Information Management: How to Make a Programme Work for Your Business


Records and Information Management 

A recent survey by BPI found that 93% of businesses are document-dependent. Furthermore, the study found that 83% of employees feel they are spending too much time producing, managing, sharing and distributing documents.

93% is a significant number; clearly, document and records management is a critical component of business operations. Many businesses have started to notice how long their team spend retrieving an archiving documents, or that no one in the office knows when to archive or dispose of a record. These are common signs of inefficiency.

To rectify these common problems think about implementing a sustainable and efficient Record and Information Management (RIM) programme. It will require investing time and effort to ensure the programme works for your business, although it will deliver long term cost savings once implemented.

Why Does Your Business Need an RIM programme?

Data accuracy and access are the two pillars of an efficient RIM programme. If you do not ensure your records are archived correctly or that digital documentation is tagged appropriately, the programme will be ineffective.

In the absence of an organised system, you will end up with incomplete records and lost files. Without proper classification and tracking, you might be storing data beyond the retention date.

Businesses that store and share sensitive information like medical or financial records should have in place a robust document retention policy. Without a document retention policy in place, your business is at risk of regulatory fines and penalties which can cause massive damage to your brand perception and customer trust.

Information and documentation are crucial to every business. When you produce, share, present and research information, you accumulate data. The way your business organises and manages it’s data and documents will have a significant impact on its efficiency and profits.

How to Make Your RIM Programme Work?

Don’t wait until you are hit with an audit to recognise that your company has not been complying with regulatory requirements. Records management is a proactive process that must be driven internally to ensure the programme works.

When a record is misplaced, you lose more than just a piece of paper. You lose critical information that may be impossible to replace, leaving your company at risk of costly compliance issues. For companies without an RIM programme in place setting up a records and information management system should be a number one priority.

Here are some tips to help you make your RIM programme work.

Have a universal policy – Mention the word records, and the first thing that comes to mind is a piece of paper. However, your business is also creating, sharing and storing digital data. Information such as emails, digital forms, social media messaging, chat logs and more should be included in your overall policy. Ensure that your RIM processes and practices apply to all types of records – hardcopy and digital.

Keep it simple – Poor adoption is the number one reason a programme fails. Involve all departments in the planning and implementation of your RIM programme. Ensure all departments of your business buy-in to the document policies guaranteeing employees aren’t second-guessing.

Make Security a priority – Be sure to protect your records by storing them with a secure offsite storage facility. When documents reach their retention expiry, dispose of these records to comply with regulations and your data security policy.

Train your staff – Your programme will prove a success when your employees know their responsibilities. Record liaisons should brief senior management on the importance of the RIM programme, and train staff appropriately. Organise training sessions on the core fundamentals of the records management procedures. Provide tool kits detailing how to complete each step.

Digital Transformation Solutions Can Help You Create an Efficient Programme

At Digital Transformation Solutions, we work with you to create a customised solution that suits your requirements. We specialise in creating digital transformation strategies that streamline your document processes and bring new levels of efficiency and automation to your organisation.

Contact us today to get started.

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